Examples of personalization
On this page you can find examples of personalisation for several products. Please scroll all the way down to get a good impression of the different fonts & symbols. On this page personalization you can see which technique I use to print + the lead lettercorpses & symbols.
Interesting fact: you may notice all different notations for the date. This is a direct result of selling my products all over the world. Each country has its own way of date notation. If you want me to foil press a date, you can always enter the exact date notation you want me to follow in the form field "What do you want me to print:". I will always foil press what you enter there with your order.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Aigrette 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #8
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Aigrette 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Namen in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Mistral 24pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #4
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Atlas 28pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Colombia Cursive 28 pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Colombia Cursive 28 pt.
Line 3: Heart #5
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Colombia 28 pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Colombia 28 pt.
2 Vows booklets A5 (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: His Vows in a combination uppercase / lowercase Colombia Cursief 28pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Book 2:
Line 1: Her Vows in a combination uppercase / lowercase Colombia Cursief 28pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Vows booklets with ribbon A5 (follow link)
Boek 1:
Line 1: Ik hou van jou in a combination uppercase /lowercase Smalle Mercator 28 pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Boek 2:
Line 1: Ik ook van jou in a combination uppercase /lowercase Smalle Mercator 28 pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #8
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Aigrette 24pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Folio 24pt
Line 2: Branch #6
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Colombia 28pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Colombia Cursive 28pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mercator Cursief 24pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mercator Cursief 24pt
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Smalle Mercator 28pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Smalle Mercator 28pt
Line 3: Branche #6
Guestbook 24 cm x 24 cm
Line 1: Text in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
On the front and back of the book several little hearts (same shape as heart #5)
Are you also interested in several little hearts? Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Initials in all uppercase Colombia 28pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Colombia 28pt
Line 3: Heart #3
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mercator Cursive 24pt
Line 2: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Street in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt
Line 2: Branch #6
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch ( on the back of an Airbnb guest book)
Line 1: in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 3: in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 4: in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Are you also interested in more text? Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Family name in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Heart #4
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Be Our Guest in a combination uppercase /lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Branch #7
Vow booklets for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
2 Vows booklets A5 with ribbon (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: HIS VOWS in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Line 3: Text in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Book 2:
Line 1: HER VOWS in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Line 3 Text in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Are you also interested in more text? This personalisation option is not available in the shop. Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
2 Vows booklets A5 (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: His Vows in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Line 3: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Book 2:
Line 1: Her Vows in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Line 3: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Vow booklets with ribbon A6 (follow link)
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Vow booklets A5 with ribbon (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: Her Vows with Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #2
Book 2:
Line 1: His Vows with Rockwell 4pt.
Line 2: Heart #2
+ on both books a seperate tag with branch #8
Accordion album 10 cm x 15 cm / 3.9 inch x 5.9 inch (landscape)
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #2
Accordion album 10 cm x 15 cm / 3.9 inch x 5.9 inch (landscape)
Line 1: Selina's Shower in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Accordion album 10 cm x 15 cm / 3.9 inch x 5.9 inch (landscape)
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #7
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Aigrette 24pt.
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Liefdesverklaring in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Folder for speech A4 sheets
Line 1: Liefdesverhaal in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Celebrant in in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #5
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Text in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #2
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Mercator Cursive 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Mercator Cursive 24pt
Line 3: Heart #4
Wedding folder US letter
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Date in numbers Mistral 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #7
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Folder for speech A4 sheets
Line 1: Stammbuch in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Family name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 3: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Folder for speech A4 sheets
Line 1: Text in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 2: Text in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Name in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 4: Heart #4
Are you also interested in more lines? Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
Folder for speech A4 sheets in a custom size
Poem in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt
Company name in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt & heart #2
Are you also interested in a poem? Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
Folder for speech A4 sheets
Line 1: Trouwambtenaar in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Vow booklet for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Line 1: UNSERE WORTE in all uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt
Line 2: Date in all numbers Rockwell 24pt. Mistral 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #4
Vow booklet for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase /lowercase Mistral 24pt
2 Vow booklets for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: Name in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Branch #7
Book 2:
Line 1: Name in all uppercase Mistral 24pt
Line 2: Branch #7
Guestbook photobooth 18 cm x 13 cm / 7.1 inch x 5.1 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Guestbook photobooth 18 cm x 13 cm / 7.1 inch x 5.1 inch
Line 1: Capture Moments in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Celebrate Memories in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 3: Sevilla 2022 in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Are you also interested in more lines? Please contact me before ordering via the contact form for the extra costs. I can make a custom personalisation option for you in the shop.
Guestbook photobooth 18 cm x 13 cm / 7.1 inch x 5.1 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 3: Heart #2
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Mistral 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #8
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #5
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 2: Heart #4
Line 3 : Date in numbers Atlas 28pt. (Please note! If you want the date also at the bottom of the cover. Please let me know that in your order!)
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 3: Branch #7
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #2
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Accordion album 10 cm x 15 cm / 3.9 inch x 5.9 inch (landscape)
Line 1: Date in numbers Atlas 28pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #5
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Smalle Mercator 28pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Smalle Mercator 28pt.
Line 3: Heart #5
Accordion album 13 cm x 13 cm / 5.1 inch x 5.1 inch (landscape)
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Are you also interested in a crown? A crown is not available in the dropdownbar, Please contact me before ordering via the contact form. I can make a custom personalisation "crown" option for you in the shop.
Accordion album 10 cm x 10 cm
Line 1: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Heart #3
Watch box
Line 1: Tekst in a combination uppercase - lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Watch box
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase - lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Box for watch & wedding ring
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase - lowercase Smalle Mercator 28pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #2
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase Aigrette 24pt
Line 2: Date in numbers Aigrette 24pt.
Line 3: Heart #4
Guestbook photobooth 10 cm x 21 cm / 3.9 inch x 8.2 inch (follow link)
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Guestbook photobooth (leather) 15 cm x 15 cm / 5.9 inch x 5.9 inch
Line 1: Afscheid van het onderwijs. in a combination uppercase /lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Atlas 28pt.
Seperate leather tag in a combination uppercase / lowercase Atlas 28pt.
Are you also interested in a longer text? This personalization option is not available in the shop. Please contact me via the contact form prior to placing your order for the additional costs. I can build in a custom personalization option for you in the shop.
Guest book 18 cm x 28 cm / 7 inch x 11 inch
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase / lowercase Mercator Cursief 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Mercator Cursief 24pt.
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Date in numbers Rockwell 24pt.
Line 3: Branch #6
Box for watch & wedding ring
Line 1: Branch #7
2 vow booklets for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Book 1:
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Book 2:
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Date in a combination uppercase / lowercase Aigrette 24pt.
Vow book A6 with ribbon (follow link)
Line 1: Text in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Text in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Are you also interested in a longer text? This personalization option is not available in the shop. Please contact me via the contact form prior to placing your order for the additional costs. I can build in a custom personalization option for you in the shop.
Wedding folder A4
Line 1: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Name in a combination uppercase / lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Vows book for 2 x A5 sheets (follow link)
Line 1: Names in a combination uppercase /lowercase with Aigrette 24pt.
Line 2: Branch #8
Line 3: Date in a combination uppercase /lowercase with Aigrette 24pt.
Vows book A6 with ribbon (follow link)
Line 1: His in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Line 2: Hers in a combination uppercase /lowercase Rockwell 24pt.
Guest book 24 cm x 24 cm / 9,4 inch x 9,4 inch
Line 1: Names in all uppercase Smalle Mercator 28pt.
Line 2: Date in all uppercase Smalle Mercator 28pt.
- Frequently asked questions
- Examples personalisation
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