Where can I find you on social media?
You can follow me via:
- WEBSITE: www.1000en1boeken.nl
- BLOG: www.1000en1boeken.nl/blog.php
- INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/1000and1bindery/
- PINTEREST: www.pinterest.com/pauladerksen

How long does it take before my order is ready?
You can see the different processing times in te personalisation menu at the product. This can be 4 business days, but for some products I need more time, e.g. for ring boxes classic this is 6 working days. After personalizing the ring box it needs to dry under heavy weight for a few days. If something is out of stock, you cannot select that color in the dropdown bar or the ready to ship amount of days increases, you can than see that at the product,

On which days is the bindery open?
I work in the bindery from Monday to thursday. The bindery is closed every Friday and this day does not count as a business day in the delivery time for the products.

You can find current delivery times for each product in the personalization menu, the place where this pink arrow points to. The delivery time indicates the period from the moment of ordering to the moment that I bring it to PostNL (postal service).

If you have wishes that cannot be found in the shop, such as a custom order, then I have to schedule such an assignment in my agenda.  Be aware that custom orders take a few weeks because of time to make it + drying time in the bookpress. 

How long does it takes before my order arrives at my place/ address?
You can find all the information about shipping on the page shipment

Can you make a test print before actual printing?
I am not able to make a letterpress proof. I foil press everything by hand with lead letters (no computer), every letter is picked by hand and it would be to expensive to make proof prints. The prize of printing in my shop is low, therefore I cannot make proof prints. See examples of personalisation for examples. 

How do you calculate your shipping costs?
My shipping costs are based on what PostNL (in the Netherlands) charges me (including costs for track and trace & insurance in case of a missing parcel (except domestic) ). On top of that 21% VAT is added and finally package and handling costs. Your order will be shipped in a package.  If you order more items at the same time, shipping costs for a package are automatically calculated.
Everything is send with track and trace and I will send you that code + tracking information as soon as I have shipped your order.
SHIPMENT WITHIN THE NETHERLANDS + BELGIUM:  Your product will be sent with PostNL (standard package or letterbox package) with track and trace. 
SHIPMENT WORLD WIDE : Your product is sent with PostNL including track and trace and your package is insured. in case of a missing parcel/ package. This means that you must sign for your package.

Possible fonts / lettercorpses
Names, a (wedding or birth)date, a location or titles on books are foilpressed by me the artisan way, using lead letters at high temperatures. I use foil on linen or blindpress on leatherlook products.
I only have a limited amount of lettercorpses at my disposal, see my pages personalization + examples of personalisation. 

Your own logo on products
I regularly get the question whether a home-made logo can be printed on my products. I still print in a traditional way with my own lead letter corpses, nothing is done with the computer, it is all done by hand. If I have to print a logo, I first have to order a cliché made of your logo by another company. A cliché comes with a price tag (minimum, plus that you are also limited to the maximum size that my foil press can handle. That is why I have decided not to print logos on my products anymore. That's why I refer to my lead fonts. Perhaps there is something there that appeals to you.

A follow up question that I often get, Can I also buy an unpersonalized product from you. I am sorry, I only sell personalized products. 

Can I also buy an unpersonalized product from you.
I am sorry, I only sell personalized products. 

I bought something elsewhere. Can you print our names, company name, etc. on it? I only letterpress print on my own handmade products. One of the reasons for this is that many products that you can find online are made in low-wage countries such as China, Thailand, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria. The employees there are often poorly paid and work under poor conditions. One of the many reasons why these products can be offered for a low price on the Dutch market, also by Dutch sellers, I therefore do not feel called to embellish these types of cheaply produced books, which often have poor finishes, with my traditional hand crafted printing work.

Can you print a + sign between our names?
A + sign does NOT exist in lead letters, so if you enter a + sign I will use the & - sign for you. I print the old-fashioned way with lead letters, for an impression see personalization.

Can you print a | sign in our date 09 | 09 | 2024?
A | sign does NOT exist in lead letters, that is a computer sign. We need to look for an alternative like  09.09.2024 or 09-09-2024 or 9 September 2024 instead of 09 | 09 | 2024

I print the old-fashioned way with lead letters, for an impression see personalization.

Can I get a discount when ordering 1 or more products?
All my products are handmade by me in the bindery. I only work with high-quality materials and I have carefully selected the suppliers. The products do not roll out of a machine. Everything is cut by hand, glued / covered by hand and letterpress printing is an old craftmanship. This means that all letters are picked by hand, go into the foil press, heated and afterwards I have to put every single letter back in the cabinet. In addition,  I also have to pay a percentage (21%) of the product price to the Dutch tax authorities. Plus I also have to pay VAT on shipping costs. I also have to deal with increasingly higher prices at my own suppliers; Glue, paper, greyboard, covering materials, everything has become considerably more expensive recently. This all make that I cannot give a discount.

Colors product photos:
Colors in photos may vary slightly. This is because the product photos have been shot in different sessions over the years. The daylight is different every time, so you sometimes see small color differences.


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